I am dissapointed with the peacock crystal from Swarovski. When you wear tjem the baking comes off, and they look just like all other crystals.
I have been buying Swarovski crystals for many years and use nothing else in my jewelry designs, but I think this time someone goofed.
INM Customer Service:
We are very sorry that you are having a problem with the special effect item(s) you have purchased. Unfortunately, these finishes can wear off in certain circumstances and there are many factors to consider. Some of those conditions are climate, body chemistry, perfumes, sunscreen lotions, wearing next to other jewelry and wearing while in the shower/bath. There is not always one particular reason and it could possibly be a combination of many things. We apologize for any inconvenience and hope that this information is helpful. |
Rating: [1 of 5 Stars!] |